

PGY-1: $60,241

PGY-2: $62,222

PGY-3: $64,290

PGY-4: $66,975



PGY-1: Residents are entitled to 21 days of annual leave used to study for USMLE Step 1 Exam.

PGY-2/3/4: Residents are entitled to 28 days of annual leave and 14 days of sick leave annually.



Malpractice: The State of Louisiana provides residents with professional liability insurance that covers all activities approved by the respective department chairs.

Retirement:  All residents are eligible to participate in the deferred compensation program in lieu of Social Security. If the deferred compensation option is selected, 6.5% of the resident's gross (pretax) monthly salary is deducted, and the balance may be withdrawn when residents leave state service.

Disability:  LSU Health Sciences Center provides disability insurance for all residents. Additional personal policies may be purchased at the discretion of residents based on their perceived need. Counseling by third-party insurance brokers regarding additional coverage is offered to residents.

Health:  Four different health plans are available to OMFS residents including a preferred provider organization (PPO), LSU First Health Plan sponsored by Cigna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield HMO, and a consumer driven high deductible plan administered by United Healthcare. All plans are partially subsidized by LSU, and under the cafeteria plan the remainder of the premium is deducted from residents' paycheck pre-tax.


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