



Full-time faculty roster, by department:


Comprehensive Dentistry

Clinical Comprehensive & Operative Dentistry

Dental Hygiene

General Practice Residency

Diagnostic Sciences



Oral and Craniofacial Biology

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


Pediatric Dentistry



Dental Laboratory Technology


Full-Time Faculty Roster:


By Department

Part-Time Faculty Roster:


By Department


Gratis Faculty Roster


Full-Time Faculty


John R. Gallo, DDS, MS
Dean of School of Dentistry
jgallo@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8110

F. Thomas Giacona, DDS
Interim Assistant Dean of Clinical Affairs
fgiaco@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8257

Sandra Carlin Andrieu, PhD
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
sandri@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8111

Heather Allen, RDH, BSDH, MSHSCM
Director, Student Affairs
Associate Professor-Clinical
hharo@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8122

Toby Cheramie, DDS
Robert Eastman Professor
Associate Dean of Admissions, Student Services, and Alumni
tchera@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8124


Comprehensive Dentistry

Alex D. Ehrlich, DDS, MS
Department Head
Associate Professor
aehrli@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8257


Clinical Comprehensive & Operative Dentistry

James E. Burns, DDS
Assistant Professor-Clinical
jburn8@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8385

John D. Dagate, DDS
Associate Professor
jdagat1@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8257

Peter Dupree, DDS
Associate Professor-Clinical
pdupr3@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8036

F. Thomas Giacona, DDS
Associate Professor-Clinical; Division Head
fgiaco@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8257

A.C. Liles, DDS
Associate Professor-Clinical
alile1@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8470

Maurice Lonergan, DDS
Assistant Professor-Clinical

Suezan McCormick, DMD
Assistant Professor-Clinical
smcco1@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8257

Stephanie Noe, DDS
Assistant Professor-Clinical
Director of Diversity and Minority Affairs
sdimat@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8257

Jorge Perera, DDS
Clinical Assistant Professor

Director of Diversity and Minority Affairs

jperer@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8385

Sherrod Quin, DDS
Assistant Professor-Clinical

Wendy M. Scavo, DDS
Assistant Professor-Clinical

John L. Ward, DDS
Associate Professor-Clinical

Mark M. Winkler, DDS, MS, PhD
Associate Professor-Clinical
mwinkl@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8269


Dental Hygiene

Tricia S. Barker, RDH, MEd
Associate Professor - Clinical
tbark1@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8152

Diedra L. Brewer-Hohensee, RDH, MEd, CHES, CTTS
Associate Professor-Clinical
dforet@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8148

Christine W. Cox, RDH
Instructor Clinical
ccox7@lsuhsc.edu; 318-427-0414

Meghan Dombourian, RDH
Instructor - Clinical
mdombo@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8153

Jennifer Hew, RDH, MSHCM
Associate Professor-Clinical
jhew@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8270

Catrina Lanza, RDH
Instructor Clinical
Cward2@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8153

Ashley Millon, RDH
Assistant Professor, Clinical
Dental Hygiene

Angie Reech, RDH
Instructor Clinical
amars1@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8020

Claudia Rivera, RDH, MDH
Associate Professor-Clinical
crive2@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8127

Jane M. Walsh, RDH, JD
Program Director
Associate Professor
jwals2@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8156


General Practice Residency

Stephen C. Brisco, DDS
Associate Professor
sbrisc1@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8253

Lynda Harhad, DDS
Program Director, General Practice Residency Clinic, Baton Rouge
Assistant Professor-Clinical
lharha@lsuhsc.edu; 225-922-0026

Casie Depta Tregre, BS, CDT
Instructor, Clinical Specialist
Dental Laboratory Technician,
cdepta@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8257


Diagnostic Sciences

Dwight Brown, DDS
Assistant Professor-Clinical
Director, Infectious Disease Dental Clinic
dbro16@lsuhsc.edu; 504-702-5081

Kitrina G. Cordell, DDS, MS
Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Department Head
kcorde@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8449

Damien Cuffie, DDS, MPH
Assistant Professor - Clinical
Infectious Disease Dental Clinic
dcuff1@lsuhsc.edu; 504-702-5081

John Frazier, DMD, MSPH, MS
Assistant Professor - Clinical
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
jfraz2@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8240

Gary D. Klasser, DMD
gklass@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8407

Nisha Manila, BDS, PhD
Assistant Professor - Clinical
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
nmanil@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8243

Nicholas G. Mosca, DDS, DrPH
Associate Professor – Clinical
nmosca@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8416

Angela Nguyen, DDS
Assistant Professor
Infectious Disease Dental Clinic
anguy5@lsuhsc.edu; 504-702-5081

Corey D. Plescia, RDH, MSHCM
cples1@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8199

Molly Rosebush, DDS, MS
Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
mroseb@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8333

Chet A. Smith, DDS
Associate Professor
csmith14@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8111

William R. Yeadon, DDS
Associate Professor
wyeado@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8263



Albert McMullen, DDS
Director, Advanced Education Program in Endodontics
Assistant Professor of Clinical Endodontics
amcmul@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8397



Julie H. Schiavo, MLIS
Assistant Professor, Medical Bibliography
jschia@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8162

Andrew Olinik, MLIS
Instructor, Medical Bibliography
aolini@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8160

J. Dale Prince, MA, MLS
Director of Libraries
jprin2@lsuhsc.edu; 504-568-7698


Oral & Craniofacial Biology

Paul L. Fidel, Jr., PhD
Carl Baldridge Professor
Secondary appointment, Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology
pfidel@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8425 / 985-869-3445

Zezhang (Tom) Wen, PhD
Secondary appointment: Microbiology, Immunology & Parasitology
zwen@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8320

Xiaoming Xu, PhD
Jack Sheridan Professor
Director of Biomaterials Research
xxu@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8265

Secondary Appointment
Jennifer Cameron, PhD
Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Immunology & Parasitology

Nicholas W. Gilpin, PhD
Associate Professor, Physiology
ngilpi@lsuhsc.edu; 504-568-6182

Jeffrey A. Hobden, PhD
Associate Professor, Microbiology, Immunology & Parasitology
jhobde@lsuhsc.edu; 504-568-4077

Doug Johnston, PhD
Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Immunology & Parasitology
djoh13@lsuhsc.edu; 504-568-4071

Thomas E. Lallier, PhD
Assistant Director, Center for Excellence in Oral and Craniofacial Biology
Professor, Cell Biology and Anatomy
tlalli@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8429

Dennis J. Paul, PhD
Associate Professor, Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
dpaul@lsuhsc.edu; 504-568-4745

Emma Schachner, PhD
Assistant Professor, Cell Biology and Anatomy
eschac@lsuhsc.edu; 504-568-4017

Xinping Yue, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Physiology
xyue@lsuhsc.edu; 504-568-2024


Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Brian Dyess, DDS
Assistant Professor

Hisham Hatoum, DDS, MD
Assistant Professor, Clinical

Jeffrey James, MD, DDS
Head, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Director, Residency Program in OMS

John Kent, III, DDS
Assistant Professor, Clinical
jkent2@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8221

Earl Peter Park, DMD, MD
Assistant Professor

Waleed Zaid, DDS, MSc
Associate Professor
wzaid@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8216



Paul C. Armbruster, MS, DDS
Head of Department
Director, Advanced Education in Orthodontics
Director, Advanced Education LSU School of Dentistry
Marshall I. Gottsegen Professor of Orthodontics
Bernard M. Schwaninger Professor of Orthodontics
parmbr@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8234

Richard Ballard, DDS
Guy Favaloro Professor of Orthodontics
rball1@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8246


Pediatric Dentistry

Gerald H. Evans, DDS
Interim Head of Department
gevans@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8277

Sterling Roberts, DDS
Program Director
Assistant Professor



Genevieve M. Benoit, RDH, MEd
Professor - Clinical Specialist
gbenoi@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8283

Katherine Carmona, DDS, MS
Assistant Professor
Director, Implant Restorative Fellowship Program
kcarm2@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8392

Panagiotis Dragonas, DDS, MS
Director, Advanced Education Program in Periodontics
Associate Professor, Periodontics
pdrag1@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8278

Gerald H. Evans, DDS
Head of Department
gevans@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8277

Vinayak M. Joshi, BDS, MDS, MS, PhD
Associate Professor

Eswar Kandaswamy, BDS, MS
Assistant Professor
ekanda@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8278

Elizabeth T. Mayer, RDH, MS
Associate Professor
lmayer@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8275

Jeanne St. Germain, RDH
jstge1@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8276



Suleiman Hamdan, BS, MCDT
Associate Professor
shamda@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8147

Luis Infante, DDS
Associate Professor

Edwin L. Kee, BS, MCDT
ekee@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8147

Shirin Khoynezhad, DDS, DMSc
Assistant Professor
Director, Internationally Educated Dentist Program
skhoyn@lsuhsc.edu; (504) 941-8287

Faye Mascarenhas, BDS, MS, FACP
Associate Professor
Director, Advanced Education Program in Prosthodontics
fmasca@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8329

Laurie F. Moeller, DDS
Associate Professor
lmoell@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8289

Amir H. Nejat, DDS, MSD
Associate Professor
anejat@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8290

Jorge Palavicini, DDS
Assistant Professor
Director, Internationally Educated Dentist Program
jpala1@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8291

David Tran, BS, MCDT
Associate Professor
dtran5@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8147

Alejandro Treviño, DDS, MSc
Associate Professor
Assistant Program Director, Advanced Education Program in Prosthodontics

Adriana Cordero Wilson, DDS, MSD
Interim Department Head
Associate Professor
acorde@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8285

Alika Yu, DDS
Director of Clinic Operations
Director of Laboratory Services
Associate Professor
ayu@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8283


Dental Laboratory Technology

Leonard W. Aucoin, Jr., CDT, MEd
Associate Professor
laucoi@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8086

Julio Zavala, BS, MCDT
Program Director, Dental Laboratory Technology
Associate Professor
jzaval@lsuhsc.edu; 504-941-8145

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