Day 2011
complete list of
graduates is linked here.
(Editor's Note:
The 44th commencement of
the LSU School of
Dentistry was held on
May 19, 2011. Degrees
were awarded to 53 new
dentists, 40 new dental
hygienists and 13 new
dental laboratory
technicians. The day
before was Recognition
Day, a time to bestow
honors and also a time
to reflect. What follows
is the address given by
Jared Harris, president
of the Student
Government Association,
who is a keen observer
of the challenges of
dental school).
Harris |
"After 642 hours of basic
science courses and 2,867
hours of clinical science
courses, we have spent a
total of 3,509 hours
listening to lectures. We
have also spent over 1,500
hours on the clinic floor
treating our patients. We
have all spent over 1,000
hours studying and doing
lab work outside of class.
We have passed countless
tests and quizzes—not to
mention board exams. As
the Louisiana State
University School of
Dentistry Class of 2011,
we sit here before you
representing a colossal
and terrifying amount of
collective financial debt.
"I am honored to stand
here before you, to let
you know that whether you
are graduating from
dental, dental hygiene or
dental laboratory
technology school, your
long hours of hard work
have paid off. I feel as
though I have lived at
least two lifetimes at
LSUSD. The first day of
school still plays vividly
in my mind. We walked into
a school that appeared to
be gutted. Only one
elevator typically worked
at any given time. I was
really rattled when the
one working elevator
mistakenly brought me down
into the recently flooded
dungeon that is our
"After listening to our
instructors one-by-one
that day, we became uneasy
about our first year of
dental school. We
questioned if we would
have time to do anything
but study. Could Dr.
Sarphie's gross anatomy
class be as hard as
students say it is?
Well…when the
representative from the
Campus Assistance Program
came to orientation to
give us a number to call
if we ever became severely
depressed, the answer was
loud and clear. I was
slightly comforted when we
were told that our class
was the smartest class
ever admitted into the
dental school. I recently
did a little research and
I am happy to report that
based upon the DAT, we are
still the smartest dental
class ever admitted. We
spent much of that first
year trying to live up to
the dearly loved Dr.
Mohamed's waxing
expectations, writing
essays debating test
answers to Dr. Sarphie,
and trying to find a way
to get the Astropol grit
out of our restorations'
grooves. While the first
year of school was
demanding, we found the
time to get to know one
another, watch the LSU
football team win the 2007
National Championship, and
celebrate at TGIFs.
Henry Gremillion,
center, with new
graduates Heather
Williams, RDH,
Kim-Hanh Nguyen,
DDS, Thanh-Xuan
Nguyen, DDS, and
Emanuel Enime, DDS
"As the first students to
begin our freshman year at
the New Orleans campus
since Hurricane Katrina,
we had the opportunity to
see significant changes.
Thinking back, I remember
a time when we sat in room
7401. Like the good
student he was, Scott
Hannaman meticulously
worked on his tooth waxing
when the ceiling caved in
and cadaver juice from the
gross anatomy lab above us
fell onto poor Scott and
his instruments. Then it
splattered onto me sitting
next to him. That story
puts the vast physical
improvements around this
school into perspective.
We now have a modernly
designed lobby, two new
auditoriums, a landscaped
campus, new parking lots,
and a beautiful new fence
around the perimeter of
our recently constructed
recreation fields. Somehow
the cafeteria still looks
exactly the same as when
we arrived. But after
seeing the progress made,
I am confident that the
great people associated
with this school will
continue to make
improvements. We must be
very thankful to the past
dean, Dr. Hovland, for
keeping the school viable
after Katrina and the new
dean, Dr. Gremillion, for
tirelessly working to make
LSUSD the best dental
school in the country. I
know if his enthusiasm
alone were the
contributing factor, we
would already be
considered the best dental
school in the world.
"Our class was fortunate
enough to have been taught
by dental legends such as
Drs. Mohamed, Weir and
Ireland before their
retirements. We also
witnessed the addition of
great new faculty such as
Drs. Ehrlich, Cordell,
Giacona, Schmidt and
McCormick. Amongst the
faculty carousel, the
tried and true faculty
members continue to work
tirelessly to graduate the
best clinicians possible.
"We should all be proud
of the success we
celebrate today. Our hard
work is admirable. But it
is because of the
dedicated loved ones we
have around us today that
we achieved such
greatness. Thank you
parents, grandparents,
spouses, siblings, aunts,
uncles and friends. You
all encouraged us to keep
working hard. You
understood when we had to
sacrifice spending time
with you in order to get
here today. We are sorry
for the times we were so
irritable and no fun to be
around. You even consoled
us as we suffered from
chronic bilateral lacrimal
hypersecretion. In other
words, you saw most of us
cry. Thank you, faculty,
staff and administration.
It was you who kept us
walking the straight and
narrow, helping us become
the best clinicians we
could be. Your example has
been well received. Each
time you helped us
finalize a treatment plan
or communicate with a
patient, your devotion
shined through. And Class
of 2011, we must thank one
another. We became an
amazingly close-knit
group. Our dental school
careers would have been
much different without
having our best friends
alongside of us. We went
through everything as a
group—we were never alone.
graduates of the
dental hygiene
program are, from
left, Kerri
Bourgeois, Abby
Villarrubia, Renee
St. Germain, Addie
Lewis, Sydney
Kelly, Heather
Williams, and Loan
Nguyen |
"So here we the
end, with many questions
yet to be answered. Dental
students may ask
themselves, 'Am I capable
of doing an anterior case
without Dr. Tomaszewski at
my side?' Hygiene students
will wonder, 'Can I
properly clean every bit
of calculus from a perio
class IV patient without
Ms. Mason's help.' And
dental lab tech students
may question how to set
denture teeth on a
difficult case without Mr.
Aucoin at-hand. There is
surely a relief among us
that we will no longer
have to worry about things
like consultations,
starting checks and
compliance training. Those
things we will not miss.
"I can assure you though
that we will miss one
another. We will continue
to see one another at
conferences and C.E.
courses. I would even love
to have you as a neighbor,
or as a golf or fishing
buddy. But today and
tomorrow's commencement
ceremonies mark the last
times that we will truly
sit here together as we
have for the past four
years. Dental school has
allowed us the opportunity
to meet the most unique,
smartest, funniest, and
talented people we have
ever encountered. So
cherish your memories of
TGIF's, game nights,
crawfish boils, skeet
shoots, and of course the
largest celebration ever
held in New Orleans, the
night the Saints won the
Super Bowl. Many of us
walked Bourbon, Decatur
and Frenchman Streets that
night wishing we had hand
sanitizer because we gave
so many strangers high
fives. And last but not
least, remember Sean's
high kicks.
"In his last speech
before assuming office,
President John F. Kennedy
addressed the crowd and
said, 'Of those, whom much
is given, much is
required.' A simple look
around this room will
remind you what we have
been given. We have been
given family, friends,
mentors and a profession
that will provide us the
opportunity to live
comfortably and happily.
The magnitude of
privileges the dental
profession will afford us
is only equal to the
amount of responsibility
we have to ourselves, to
our patients and to one
another. So as we step out
to define our careers in
the coming days, let us be
led by the moral
obligations of our
profession and gracefully
accept the responsibility
required. After all, Class
of 2011…we are privileged.
"Thank You."