Honors Dental Hygiene
Latino and Bill
Helm |
The 2011 Tracy Helm
Scholarship in Dental
Hygiene has been awarded
to Stacie Latino, a senior
student in the dental
hygiene program. The
scholarship is awarded
each year to a senior
dental hygiene student who
is outgoing, kind, and
considerate of her
faculty, fellow students,
and patients. The
recipient is selected by
the faculty of the Dental
Hygiene Program
The scholarship was
presented by Bill Helm,
Tracy's father, on April
1, 2011. He established
the scholarship in 1997 as
a way to honor his
daughter, who died in a
tragic automobile accident
in 1994. She was a 1993
graduate of the Dental
Hygiene Program.
Since the scholarship
fund was established,
several members of the
Helm family have made
additional contributions.