Home, Coming Together
A record-setting 323
alumni and 17 corporate
sponsors joined faculty
and friends to fill the
auditoriums and breezeways
of the LSU School of
Dentistry for Alumni Day
on September 23. "When we
planned this year's event,
we wanted it to be a
homecoming," said Dean
Henry Gremillion. "I think
we were all energized by
seeing so many generations
of dentistry represented,
from new dentists who
graduated this past May,
graduates all the way back
to the 1960s when the
school was founded, along
with alumni from Loyola
(the dental school that
preceded LSUSD)."
By tradition, the
centerpiece of Alumni Day
is a day-long program of
continuing education. This
year, the focus was on the
resources available to the
dental community by LSUSD
faculty. The topics
included sleep apnea,
comprehensive dentistry,
common pathology cases,
technology such as smart
photos to advance care,
the evolution of the
General Practice Residency
Program, career
development of the dental
assistant and community
service opportunities
available through Special
apnea presentation
by Dr. Likith
The presenters were Julio
Zavala, Jennifer Hew and
Drs. Likith Reddy, Sherrod
Quin, Suezan McCormick,
James Tomaszweski, Kitrina
Cordell, Marcos Brindis,
Jonathan Esquivel and
Gabriel Hernandez. A
special two-part course on
marketing was provided
pro-bono by Belinda
Bryant, a business
consultant to the dental
of the Year
Another important
tradition is the
presentation of the
Alumnus of the Year Award,
the highest honor given by
the dental school. This
year's recipient is Dr.
Eric T. Geist '79, an oral
surgeon practicing in
During World War II, two
classes of dentists were
graduated from the Loyola
School of Dentistry in
1945. One class photo has
been part of the Hall of
Honor in the LSUSD Clinic
Building. The second class
photo had been missing
until Dr. George Quartano,
a member of the class,
made it available to the
dental school. During
Alumni Day, a framed
duplicate of the class
photo was unveiled, soon
to be hung as part of the
Hall of Honor. Dr.
Quartano's grandson, Ross,
is a 2009 graduate of
LSUSD, now practicing in
Mandeville. Another
grandson, Adam, is a
third-year dental student.
Details on this story will
be the subject of a future
issue of this newsletter.
to Education
Dean Gremillion publicly
recognized Drs. Billy
Jeansonne, James Harrison
and Robert Musselman for
their lifetime dedication
to the teaching of
dentistry. Dr. Jeansonne
is the recipient of the
2011 Copping Award, the
highest award for teaching
presented by the LSU
Health Sciences Center.
Dr. Harrison was
recognized for teaching
excellence by the
17,000-member American
Dental Education
Association. Dr. Musselman
was honored with a
professorship funded by
former students and
Establishing a
professorship and chair is
a major act of
philanthropy that provides
a lasting legacy to the
donor while enabling the
school to recruit and
retain top-quality
Alumni Day is also an
important fundraising
event for the school. More
than $25,000 was generated
from sponsors. The money
is dedicated to the
student education fund and
the alumni association.
The annual auction, hosted
by Dr. Chip Simon '76,
generated $10,985.
Of the 17 corporate
sponsors, the two lead
sponsors were Accupal and
BioHorizons. The
co-sponsors were Delta
Dental Insurance Company
and Kool Smiles. The table
sponsors were Benco
Dental; Fader Financial;
Campus Federal Credit
Union; GlaxoSmithKline;
LAMMICO; Patterson Dental
Supply, Inc.; Colgate Oral
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.;
Orascoptic; ADS South,
LLC; P&G Crest/Oral B
(P&G Professional Oral
Health); Coltene
Whaledent; Sultan
Healthcare; and
association board
members: (from
left) Drs. Simon
and Murphy, Ms.
Farrar, Drs.
Searcy, Roy, Daly,
Moeller, Rauber,
Scott and House