Evolving Dental Grand
To meet the goals for
curriculum reform
established by the
American Dental Education
Association Commission on
Change and Innovation in
Dental Education, LSUSD
introduced Dental Grand
Rounds into the curriculum
in 2009. This new course
was intended to further
evidence-based treatment
and critical thinking
skills through the
integration of basic
sciences with clinical
sciences. Continual
modifications to the
course, derived from
feedback from students and
faculty members, have
resulted in an enhanced
educational experience.
In the original
conception of Dental Grand
Rounds, third- and
fourth-year dental
students were organized
into six groups with a
basic scientist and a
clinician serving as
co-course directors. Every
Thursday morning, in
concurrent sessions, a
student from each of the
six groups presented a
case to an audience of
students and faculty
members. Before the
presentations, course
directors approved the
students' outlines, making
sure that the basic
science foundation of the
case was included. After
each presentation, members
of the audience followed
up with questions.
Modifications in the early
years included expanding
to seven presentations,
assigning clinic bay team
leaders as mentors and
adding a group literature
review component. Paul
Fidel, PhD, and Larry
Bates, DDS, were the
original co-course
directors. In the
2015-2016 academic year,
Nicholas Miniotis, DDS,
became co-director with
Dr. Fidel.
In 2013 all four years of
dental students became
involved in the case
presentation with each
class responsible for a
different segment: D1,
basic science information;
D2, pharmacologic
material; D3, medical
concepts; D4, dental
treatment. To develop
leadership skills,
fourth-year dental
students were assigned the
responsibility of
mentoring and guiding
their student team.
After 2013 the frequency
of presentations was
reduced to every second
week so that student
groups had time to meet
with faculty mentors to
review the presentations
in depth. "What-If"
questions were placed
throughout the
presentation to foster
critical thinking and
discussion. Senior dental
students were graded on
two competencies: using
critical thinking and
problem-solving in the
comprehensive care of
patients, and applying
biomedical sciences for
the ultimate delivery of
patient care.
An enhancement in 2016
was the introduction of
Dental Grand Rounds Day,
in which students whose
presentation had been
judged most significant or
unique presented their
case to an audience of all
four dental classes. Cases
included in this first
event, held on May 5, are
listed in the box below.

Grand Rounds Day
Meredith Patton,
Jake O'Brien,
Vincent DiCarlo,
and Zach Scogin |
In a survey sent to
students last year, one
fourth-year student
commented, "This course
helped me to consider
alternate view points and
other possible treatment
routes." A first-year
student suggested,
“"Devote a class to teach
D1's about Dental Grand
Rounds and show examples
of presentations."
Among the changes planned
for the upcoming academic
year are the addition of
interactive assessment
software technology
(ResponseWare) for the
"What-If" questions;
increased group
discussion; increased
student self-reflection
via cumulative teaching
points, lessons learned,
and factors for case
selection; and improved
clarification of
objectives, grading, and
competency assessment.
Long-term goals include
education experiences and
integrating cases into
portfolio-based learning,
a new tool in the
curriculum. As faculty
members continuously
strive to improve the
Dental Grand Rounds
course, it remains a
crucial component of the
curriculum for the
development of critically
thinking health
Grand Rounds Day
Comprehensive Care
Vincent DiCarlo,
Kyle Maldonado, Matt
Hickes, Abigaile
Team leader:
Dr. Stephen Brisco |
A Call
for Help:
Responding to
Suicidal Patient
Meredith Patton,
Ryan Rachal, Holly
Cantu, Mandy Ford
Team Leader:
Dr. Suezan McCormick |
Today with an Eye
on the Future
Jake O'Brien, Blake
Richard, Douglas
George, Cammie Green
Team Leader:
Dr. James
Tomaszewski |
Extensive Surgery
and Bisphosphonate
Zach Scogin, Jessica
Johnston, Allie
Watson, Emma
Team Leader:
Dr. Suezan McCormick |