Caring for
Our Community
with the Tooth Fairy
School of Dentistry
Student Chapter of the
American Dental
Hygienists' Association
hosted its annual
Breakfast with the Tooth
Fairy on Saturday,
February 20th. Seventy
guests (both children and
adults) attended the
event, held in the dental
school cafeteria. For a
$10 donation children
received a healthy
breakfast, a picture with
the Tooth Fairy,
activities, and a goody
bag. A $5 adult donation
included coffee and
breakfast. Thirty-five
dental hygiene students
participated in the
activities, which included
instruction on proper
brushing and flossing,
nutrition education, face
painting, and story time.
Proceeds benefit dental
hygiene student community
projects and help defray
the cost for students to
attend the annual session
of the American Dental
Hygienists' Association.
Faculty members Tricia
Barker and Geri Waguespack
coordinated the event,
which was sponsored by
Campus Federal Credit
Union and Panera Bread.
dental hygiene
student Mymy Tu
hygiene faculty
and students at
Breakfast with the
Tooth Fairy
Kids A Smile Day
Under the direction of
Kimberly Patterson, DDS,
assistant professor of
pediatric dentistry, LSUSD
celebrated Give Kids A
Smile Day (GKAS) on
February 26. Over 100
children from Arthur Ashe
Charter School in New
Orleans traveled to LSUSD
to participate in the
annual event. A joint
program of the LSUSD
Department of Pediatric
Dentistry and the New
Orleans Dental
Association, this year's
GKAS Day included dental
screenings, oral health
and nutrition education,
and injury prevention
tips. A special feature
was a magic show performed
by LSUSD's David Vela, BS,
CDT, associate professor
of laboratory technology.
Vela performs
magic with the
assistance of a
student from
Arthur Ashe
Charter School
League Schools Expo
Second-year dental
student Seth Dejean led
the effort with Dr. Janice
Townsend, head of the
LSUSD Department of
Pediatric Dentistry, and
Dr. Suzanne Fournier,
pediatric dentistry
advanced education program
director, to participate
in the Urban League
Schools Expo. New Orleans'
biggest education expo for
families, the event, held
at the Mercedes Benz
Superdome on February 13,
was sponsored by the Urban
League of Greater New
Orleans. The primary focus
of the expo is to offer a
venue where parents can
meet in one place with
representatives from all
types of schools: public,
private, voucher,
Catholic, and charter. The
event also introduces
families to the many
health and educational
services offered in the
Greater New Orleans area.
This year, 114 schools and
89 community groups
Seth said, "It was one of
the most successful
outreach events attended
by the department. In
addition to providing
instruction on oral
hygiene and good
nutrition, 129 children
and 150 parents received
oral health screenings.
Over 100 parents requested
a follow-up to obtain
further dental care for
their children."
Dejean and Dr.
Suzanne Fournier
with friends at
the Urban League
Schools Expo