Alumni Give
LSUHSC School of
Dentistry (LSUSD) class
reunion celebrations have
been a tradition for over
two decades. They offer
alumni the opportunity to
reconnect and rekindle old
friendships that may have
lapsed since graduation.
Typically held in New
Orleans, most reunions are
planned in conjunction
with the New Orleans
Dental Association/
Louisiana Dental
Association Annual
Session. Volunteer
coordinators from each
class oversee the planning
of the events. With its
wide array of venues and
restaurants, New Orleans
is a great city in which
to host a reunion
of 1983: Top row,
left to right:
Bill Stentz, Glenn
Hummel, Lindy
Bollen, Kim
Kosmitis, Stan
Maskas, Kenny
Parks Bottom row:
Chris Werner,
Alvin Neff, Perry
Theriot, Kathy
Krook, Andy
Murphy, Tim
Kauffman |
In 2013 reunions were
held in five different
locations. Venues ranged
from the most casual,
Lucy's Retired Surfer Bar,
to the most elegant, the
famous Court of Two
Sisters. Drs. King Scott
and Andy Murphy, both
members of the LSUSD
Alumni Association Board
of Directors, had a great
turnout for their reunions
due to their planning
committees' tireless
efforts to reach every
classmate by email or
phone. "Class reunions are
a time to reconnect with
those with whom you shared
every day for four years
through some of the
toughest but most
meaningful times of your
life," said Dr. Scott. "It
was great to visit and
catch up where we left
Reunion celebrations also
offer an opportunity for
alumni to give back to
LSUSD. In recent years,
reunion classes have
raised funds for the
renovation of the
preclinical simulation
laboratories. The labs,
built in 1972, have never
been renovated. Last year,
reunion classes raised
nearly $247,725 in cash
and pledges to benefit
this project and other
LSUSD programs. Top
performers were members of
the Dental Class of 1978,
who contributed over
$100,000—the largest class
gift. The Class of 1983
had the highest
participation among
classmates with
contributions from nearly
70 percent of the class.
"I am deeply grateful to
everyone who has
contributed to the school
throughout the years,"
said Dean Henry
Gremillion. "Alumni
contributions are more
critical today than ever
and we could not possibly
accomplish our goals and
ambitions without alumni
Reunion Class Gift
Gift: DDS
Class of 1978 ($101,700)
Class of 1983 (68%)