Respect and
With an emphasis on
professionalism, the
LSUHSC School of Dentistry
(LSUSD) has embraced
humanistic culture as a
foundation for its
educational programs.
Although humanism is not a
new concept at the dental
school, the recently
created Humanistic Culture
and Environment Committee,
chaired by Dr. Janice
Townsend, has developed
programs that enhance the
application of this
philosophy to dental
One project of the
committee was the recent
LSUSD Faculty Development
Day, which focused on the
principles and
applications of humanistic
culture. As reflected in
the vision of the dental
school, the humanistic
environment encompasses
integrity, excellence,
compassion, altruism,
respect and service.
The program speaker was
Craig S. Yarborough, DDS,
MBA, associate dean for
institutional advancement
at the University of the
Pacific - Arthur A. Dugoni
School of Dentistry.
Pacific has set the
standard for humanistic
culture in dental
education and Dr.
Yarborough believes that
his successful career is
mainly due to the
professional environment
he experienced as a dental
student under the
leadership of Deans Dale
Redig and Art Dugoni.
left, Drs. Paul
Fidel, Craig
Yarborough, Janice
Townsend and Henry
Gremillion at
Development Day |
In a humanistic culture,
the faculty sets high
expectations for students,
relates to them as
colleagues, and assists
students in achieving
their goals. Because
students are treated with
respect by their teachers,
they develop a positive
self-image and the
motivation to excel.
Patients also benefit from
the compassion and respect
emanating from this
supportive environment.
Another event sponsored
by the LSUSD Humanistic
Culture and Environment
Committee was the holiday
Thank-a-Thon. Note cards
were provided for faculty,
students, and staff to
express their appreciation
to colleagues for
exceptional or noteworthy
service. The committee
will continue to plan
events and programs in its
ongoing effort to
encourage respect and
service, not only for
dental students, but
throughout the entire
LSUSD community.
Gift of Giving
Benjamin White,
third-year dental student,
has once again coordinated
a holiday fundraiser to
benefit needy children
around the world. Working
with the international
relief organization
Samaritan's Purse, Ben has
collected shoeboxes filled
with gifts to send to
Operation Christmas Child.
The shoeboxes, filled with
items such as small toys,
school supplies, hygiene
essentials, socks and hard
candy, are donated along
with $7.00 per box to
cover shipping. This year
students, faculty and
staff contributed 82
shoeboxes and over $500 in
cash donations. The dental
school also provided
toothbrushes and
toothpaste for each box.
White said, "This is the
third year our class has
collected shoeboxes and we
are excited to see it grow
as more of our fellow
students and faculty are
getting involved."
Continuing another annual
outreach event, the Class
of 2015 will visit an
elementary school in
February to present
students with oral health
information, toothbrushes
and toothpaste.
left, Adrienne
Reviere and Kate
Rothermel wrap
shoeboxes for
Christmas Child |
Student involvement and
initiative in outreach
projects, during the
holiday season as well as
throughout the year, shine
a light on LSUSD.
Emphasized throughout the
dental school, community
service demonstrates the
professionalism and
compassion of dental
practitioners and the
importance of the dental
school to the local
community and beyond.