Zavala, CDT of the
Zavala, master certified
dental technician, and
associate professor in the
dental laboratory
technology program, has
been named the 2016 CDT of
the Year by the National
Association of Dental
Laboratories (NADL). He
received the award on
January 22 at the NADL
Vision 21 annual meeting
in Las Vegas. Zavala
earned a bachelor's in DLT
from LSUSD in 1996 and his
first CDT certification
just one year later. He
has earned five CDT
certifications as well as
the Master CDT. As both a
student and educator, he
has numerous awards,
including the John Lapez
Award, Chancellor's Award,
and six Golden Apple
Excellence in Teaching
awards from both dental
and DLT classes.
Dr. Arturo
Mendez, retired chairman
of the prosthodontics
department, praised Mr.
Zavala, "He is the
consummate team player, a
highly dedicated and
dependable individual with
an exemplary work ethic."
2015 Class
Reunion Gifts:
It's a Wrap!
For over
two decades, the LSUHSC
School of Dentistry Office
of Alumni Relations has
helped to organize class
reunion gatherings in
conjunction with the
NODA/LDA Annual Session in
New Orleans. Typically,
reunions are held every
five years, and last year
most classes with
graduation years ending in
"0" or "5" held reunion
events at various
Warehouse District and
French Quarter venues.
Dean Henry Gremillion
always enjoys making the
rounds to visit and catch
up with alumni.
Reunion celebrations also
offer graduates the
opportunity to give back
to their alma mater. This
year alumni donated nearly
$100,000 in support of
various departments and
for the renovation of the
student preclinical
laboratories. The labs,
where students perfect
their hand skills prior to
patient treatment, have
not been renovated since
the school's inception in
1972. It is expected that
the renovation will be
complete within two years.
Special recognition goes
to the class of 1980 for
the largest amount raised
and the highest
participation rate:
$21,850 and 33 percent.
The class also raised
enough funds to name a
student simulation unit in
its honor. Each unit
requires a minimum gift of
$15,000 for naming rights
and to date, 69 units have
been named in honor of
organizations, and DDS
classes. Class reunion
gift campaigns run an
entire year and include
all gifts, pledges and
pledge payments
contributed during that
of the DDS Class
of 1980 celebrate
at their reunion
at the
Acme Oyster House
in the French
classes are planning
reunions for the weekend
of the 2016 NODA/LDA
Annual Session, which will
be held on April 14-16. If
your graduation year ends
in a "1" or "6", please
visit our website or
contact Katie Kelley, MBA,
at (504) 941-8120 or
kell2@lsuhsc.edu, for more
More class
reunion photos:
of the DDS Class
of 1975 at the
Alumni Reception
in the Warehouse
of the DDS Class
of 1985 celebrate
at their reunion
at the Bourbon
House in the
French Quarter
of the DDS Class
of 1995 celebrate
at their reunion
at Arnaud's in the
French Quarter
of the DDS Class
of 2005 celebrate
at their reunion
at Lucy's Retired
Surfer's Bar in
the Warehouse
of the DDS Class
of 2010 celebrate
at their reunion
at the Cellar Door
in the Warehouse