



Roster of Delegates

Bylaws, rev 2021


LSUHSC Faculty Senate

Roster of LSUSD Standing Committees

Committee rosters, charges, and minutes are found in the Committees folder on the U: drive.

LSUSD Faculty Assembly

The LSUHSC School of Dentistry Faculty Assembly was created in 1996 to serve as the representative voice of the faculty and to provide a means of communication between the faculty and the dean of LSUSD.

The Assembly works with the administration to accomplish the mission of LSUSD and LSUHSC.

Representatives to the LSUHSC Faculty Senate facilitate communication with faculty assemblies of other schools in the health sciences center. Through the Faculty Senate, the LSUSD faculty communicates with faculty senates of other colleges and universities in Louisiana.

Faculty members elect 15 delegates:  12 full-time clinical and 3 part-time clinical. Half of the full-time delegates are elected from the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry and half are elected from all other departments. Delegates serve staggered three-year terms.

All Assembly meetings and delegate meetings are open to all faculty members.

Minutes for past meetings are available on the U: drive.

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