

How to

Become a Study Participant / Volunteer

We appreciate your help!

Study Participant / Volunteer

Your participation in clinical research allows dental school faculty and specialists to engage in development and evaluation of new materials and explore techniques for dental practice. Most studies will include free dental examination and involve a compensation for your time. Some will provide free treatments. Our studies usually include subjects in good general health who are meeting the specific study's requirements. As an individual research study participant, you may or may not benefit from participating in a trial. The answers obtained from clinical trials may offer benefits to future patients and to society.

Take a look at our list of active trials/clinical research studies, to see if you might be interested to participate as a volunteer in a clinical trial or study at the School of Dentistry. When you take part in a clinical trial you add to our knowledge of dental disease and its treatments, and help to improve dental care for people in the future.


We like to connect with you!

To find out if you are a good match for a study currently enrolling new volunteers,


please contact our Clinical Studies Coordinator
by calling
  • 985-817-9599 (cell)
  • 504-941-8018 (office)
or via email at


Thank you for your interest
in helping with clinical and oral health research at LSUHSC School of Dentistry.


We need your help today for better oral healthcare tomorrow.


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Last Update 8/2017