Activities and
Intramural Athletics
Students have the opportunity to participate in intramural flag football, basketball and softball. The student designated "athletic director" is in charge of organizing schedules, maintaining and purchasing equipment, and setting up the field for games. Competition is between dental classes and between other schools in the health sciences center.
A recognition ceremony,
in addition to
graduation, is held at
the end of each academic
year to recognize the
graduating class.
Friends and family are
invited. Merit and
achievement awards and
special honors are
announced and presented.
Doctoral hoods and
degree medallions are
Coat Ceremony
Second-year dental,
dental hygiene, and
dental laboratory
technology students
participate in the White
Coat Ceremony to
introduce students to
the importance of the
high ethical standards
of the dental
profession. The ceremony
marks the students'
entrance into the
practice of dentistry
through their first
patient contact and the
assumption of patient
responsibilities. During
the ceremony, students
receive a white clinic
coat and recite the LSU
Health Sciences Center
School of Dentistry
Professional Oath. In
addition, the students
write a professional
honor code as first year
students, pledging to
conduct themselves
honorably and
professionally which
they also recite during
the ceremony.
Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Student Fellow Track Program/Affiliate of the Louisiana Academy of General Dentistry -
The Fellow Track program is a student-driven organization dedicated to life-long learning. AGD student members may earn up to 50 hours of continuing education (CE) credits toward their AGD Fellowship awarded after graduation. The Fellow Track program sponsors continuing education and lunch and learns on a variety of subjects of interest to dental professionals. Learn the many benefits of becoming a member of the Academy of General Dentistry at
Aesculapian Society
- was founded at LSUSD in 2019 as a liaison between students and faculty members. This student-run organization selects one representative from each class who is tasked with maintaining a discerning voice for their class’s feedback in curriculum committee meetings. Each semester, Aesculapian Society representatives work alongside faculty in collecting and compiling anonymous course evaluation survey data to generate reports. Aesculapian Society hosts biannual meetings where course evaluation reports are presented to course directors in an effort to improve educational outcomes
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Student Chapter -
is an affiliate of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), founded in 1947, is the not-for-profit professional membership association representing the specialty of pediatric dentistry. Its 10,800 members put children first in everything they do, and at the highest standards of ethics and patient safety. Pediatric dentists provide care to millions of our nation’s infants, children, adolescents, and persons with special health care needs, and are the primary contributors to professional education programs and publications on pediatric oral health. The AAPD, in accordance with its vision and mission, advocates optimal oral health for all children. It is the leading national advocate dedicated exclusively to children’s oral health. The AAPD Student Chapter serves as an interest group for students to learn more about pediatric dentistry.
American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) Student Chapter -
AAPHD accepts the challenge to improve total health for all citizens through the development and support of effective programs of oral health promotion and disease prevention. The mission of the AAPHD Student Chapter at LSUSD is to promote community awareness to future dental professionals, engage students in dialogue about current dental public health issues, and provide dental public health service opportunities for members of the organization.
American Dental Education Association (ADEA) -
devoted to the advancement of dental education, research and service. Student members receive benefits such as: ADEA Connect, the Dental Education Community Network, heightened visibility in academic industry, learning and professional development resources, award opportunities, education debt management material, and industry resources including a free subscription to the online version of ADEA’s renowned Journal of Dental Education. Representatives from LSUSD are selected to serve on the Council of Students of the American Dental Education Association as the national voice and advocate for all students in the dental education community.
American Student Dental Association (ASDA) -
is a national student-run organization that protects and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of dental students. It represents students with a unified voice and provides information, education, advocacy, and services. The association introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation, and advocacy. Membership in ASDA is open and all pre-doctoral dental students are automatically enrolled. Executive Council positions are available with opportunities for committee chair positions and committee members.
C. Edmund Kells Honor Society -
is a local honor society established in 1971 at LSUSD is named for New Orlean’s most famous dentist, Dr. Kells. He is known as the first US dentist to take intraoral radiographs on a living person. The Kells Society is composed of students who excel academically throughout their dental school career.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) -
is a nationwide organization that was founded in 1931. CMDA educates, encourages, and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God. Christian healthcare professionals glorify God by following Christ, serving with excellence and compassion, caring for all people, and advancing Biblical principles of healthcare within the Church and throughout the world.
Delta Sigma Delta Professional Dental Fraternity and Psi Omega Professional Dental Fraternity -
LSUSD offers membership in professional dental fraternities to promote the high ideals and standards of its profession; to advance the professional knowledge and welfare of its members; and to provide a medium through which its members, with a common interest, can develop everlasting friendships. Annual dues are assessed.
Latin American Student Association (LASA) -
is an organization committed to educating the dental school community regarding Hispanic and Latin American language, traditions, holidays, foods, and music through culturally-enriching meetings.
Muslim Students Association (MSA) -
The organization aims to facilitate informative programs for people of all backgrounds, levels of knowledge and piety to learn about Islamic traditions and beliefs.
Omicron Kappa Upsilon (Theta Kappa Chapter) -
is a national dental honor society. Members, elected from the top 20 percent of the graduating class, show potential for professional growth and serve as examples among their peers.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) Interest Group -
The organization is to help dental students learn more about the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery and to facilitate information about preparing to enter into a career in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Sigma Phi National Dental Hygiene Honor Society -
The purpose of Sigma Phi Alpha is to promote, recognize, and honor scholarship, leadership, and service among dental hygiene graduates. Four students are chosen from the top 10 percent of the class.
Special Care Dentistry Association (SCDA) -
is a unique international organization of oral health professionals and other individuals who are dedicated to promoting oral health and well-being for people with special needs. The Special Care Dentistry Association serves as a resource to all oral health care professionals who serve or are interested in serving patients with special needs through education and networking to increase access to oral healthcare for patients with special needs.
Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SADHA) -
is an affiliate of The American Dental Hygienist’s Association (ADHA). In addition to learning about the ADHA and benefits of being involved with professional membership, students participate in professional meetings and discussion groups locally, regionally, and nationally. SADHA also celebrates National Dental Hygiene Month and provides various philanthropic activities throughout the year.
Student Government Association (SGA) -
The formal organization of the student body with its own constitution and by-laws. SGA directs student activities and facilitates communication between faculty and the student body. Many leadership opportunities are available. Current
SGA and Class
Student National Dental Association (SNDA) -
is the student organization of the National Dental Association. The SNDA is committed to the improvement of the delivery of dental health to all people, with an emphasis on the underserved. It strives to establish opportunities for its members to develop stronger alliances amongst one another, all students, and develop a sense of community in the dental schools.
Student Professionalism and Ethics Association in Dentistry (SPEA) -
is a national, student driven association that was established to promote and support a student’s lifelong commitment to ethical behavior in order to benefit the patients they serve and further the dental profession.