



Advanced Education Programs

Advanced Education - Periodontics Externship

The LSU Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry is pleased to offer observational one-week externships in the Department of Periodontics.

Current dental students as well as dental graduates from ADA accredited Dental Schools who are interested in pursuing application for periodontics residency, are welcome to apply. Accepted externs will be exposed to multiple aspects of periodontics, and will be supervised by faculty and staff of the LSU School of Dentistry Department of Periodontics as well as current residents. Opportunities may include observation of: all periodontal surgical procedures, IV sedations, Literature Review Seminar, Case Presentation Seminar, Advanced Oral Implantology Seminar, interdepartmental collaboration, Practice Management Seminar for periodontics residents, etc.

Please complete the required application form, and provide a letter from your dental school verifying malpractice coverage, as well as a brief, one typed-page maximum personal statement indicating why you wish to pursue the LSU Periodontics externship, what your goals and expectations for the externship are, and please share any prior experiences with periodontics. Return this statement along with the Application form to Dr. Panagiotis Dragonas, Fax # 504.941.8279 or E-mail:  pdrag1@lsuhsc.edu

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Last Update 10/2012