the Association
The LSU School of
Dentistry (LSUSD) Alumni
Association was formed in
1974, two years after the
first graduation. The
dedication and commitment
of those who have served
as officers and members
have helped the school
develop into one of the
finest dental educational
institutions in the world.
The association aims to
foster and enhance
relationships among
alumni, students, parents,
faculty, and friends. The
direction and
administration of the
alumni association is
vested in its board
of directors. The
board, comprised of
elected officers
representing both LSUSD
and Loyola graduates (with
representation from
dentistry, dental hygiene
and dental laboratory
technology), determines
policy, reviews programs,
and provides suggestions
to the school
administration. Students
are also appointed to the
The board holds two
annual meetings to discuss
events and future
Questions? Please contact
Marcy O'Leary at the
Office of Alumni Relations
at ds-alumni@lsuhsc.edu